
Search for uninitialized NAS devices on the same subnet

Uninitialized QNAP Device List
If your QNAP Device is not listed, you can initalize it using the following methods.
Note:: One or more of these methods may not be supported by your QNAP Device, depending on the model. For details on QTS installation, see the QTS User Guide or the user guide for your QNAP Device, which you can download at Download Center.
Qfinder Pro Utility Installation
If your QNAP Device is not connected to the internet, you can use Qfinder Pro to find your QNAP Device over LAN for installing firmware.
Cloud Installation
If your QNAP Device is connected to the Internet, install the firmware by using the "Cloud Key" on the box (or the QNAP Device itself.)
Local Installation
If your QNAP Device supports HDMI output, you can connect it to an HDMI display and follow on-screen instructions to install the firmware. You will need a USB keyboard or QNAP IR remote control to complete this method (the TS-269H does not support this function).
Authorization failed. Authorization failed. Authorization failed. Unknown Error. Unknown Resource. Parameter validation error. Parameter validation error. Parameter validation error. The process is failed. Please try again later. The process is failed. Please try again later. The process is failed. Please try again later. Authorization Failed. The device is not found. The device name has been used. The device token is invalid. Invalid username or access code. The device has not published any service. The specified user is not found for the device. The specified access code is not found for the device. No mapped ports found! This device is not in your favorite list. This device has been in your favorite device You have reached the maximum number of members. The user is not in the whitelist of the device. This device is no longer shared with me. Cannot find QPKG. Cannot find the current version of QPKG. The given version is not found. User not found. The DDNS services is not enabled. The DDNS name has been taken. The DDNS already exists. WAN IP is empty. The device is offline. The device is online. Cannot connect to the device. Accessed myQNAPcloud myQNAPcloud Link services. Failed to access myQNAPcloud myQNAPcloud Link service. The device is not connected. Cannot detect your public IP Access to myQNAPcloud myQNAPcloud Link services. (Server:'{tunnel}') Failed to access myQNAPcloud myQNAPcloud Link service server'{tunnel}'. Cannot find device in myQNAPcloud myQNAPcloud Link service. Public IP was not provided, nor inferred from the request. This device has connected to the myQNAPcloud myQNAPcloud Link server. Cannot acquire the geolocation of the IP. Invalid username or access code. Please try later or contact the device's owner. Unsupported device firmware version. The parent paths are not the same. This image extension is not supported. The share link you requested does not exist. This share link requires a password. Invalid password of share link. The file or folder does not exist on the device Cannot create a share link using this domain name/IP. The expiration time is incorrect This share link already exists This share link does not exist. File is not found Unknown Error. Authorization Failed. Permission Denied. Process failed. This might be because file/directory with the same name exists in target folder, disk full, or disk access error. Login failed. The source file or folder exists on device. The source file or folder does not exist on device. The destination file or folder exists on device. The destination file or folder does not exist on device. The destination folder is a file on device. The destination folder is a sub-folder of source folder on device. The source and destination folders are the same on device. The destination file or folder is a root folder on device. The destination path is a directory. The file name is too long. Failed to rename file. This may be due to the new file name being too long or a disk access error. The process is failed. Please try again later. Cannot retrieve data from your device. It may be due to network problems or the device may be offline. Please try later or contact the sharelink's owner. The process is failed. Please try again later. Parameter validation error. Unknown Error Cannot find device in myQNAPcloud myQNAPcloud Link service. myQNAPcloud cannot detect a myQNAPcloud Link connection from device. Cannot connect to this device. myQNAPcloud Link closed {tunnel_agent_id}
Unable to connect to your device. Download {qfinder} to initialize the QNAP Device. Your device has already been initialized. Please login to your device and select "Backup/Restore" in "Control Panel" to reinitialize it. Unable to connect to your device. If the device is idle for long periods of time, please reboot it and try again. Unable to connect to your device. Download {qfinder} to initialize the QNAP Device. Please wait while your device starts up. We value your trust and respect your privacy. This site uses cookies and analytics to better improve the site's content and overall user experience. By using our website, you agree to our {terms_of_service} and {privacy_policy}. Terms of Service Privacy policy here Note: If your NAS is not listed above, click {here} to input your Cloud Key. Download Qfinder Pro Note: If your NAS is not connected to the internet, click {here} to download Qfinder Pro on your computer. Model IP Address MAC Address Firmware version Download Center @Multiple devices found. Please select devices to initialize manually.@ Searching... Loading QNAP Device Uninitialized {nas} List No uninitialized {nas} on your subnet One or more of these methods may not be supported by your {nas}, depending on the model. For details on QTS installation, see the QTS User Guide or the user guide for your {nas1}, which you can download at Download Center. If your {nas} is connected to the Internet, install the firmware by using the "Cloud Key" on the box (or the {nas1} itself.) @install the firmware by using the "Cloud Key"@ If your {nas} supports HDMI output, you can connect it to an HDMI display and follow on-screen instructions to install the firmware. You will need a USB keyboard or QNAP IR remote control to complete this method (the TS-269H does not support this function). If your {nas} is not listed, you can initalize it using the following methods. Find the Cloud Key printed on your {nas} and then type it here to start the installation. For details on Cloud installation, see the User Guide or the user guide for your QNAP Device, which you can download at Download Center. Start your {nas} Model name